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FCA Intensive

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Found Conscious Academy (FCA) Intensive

The FCA Intensive is a powerful online group coaching community centred around Regenerative Detoxification. Essentially, it's my one-to-one coaching but in group format. Students who enrol will go through their own personal detoxification journey, personalised by myself, which will aim to restore the most important health challenges he/she is going through.

Students who enrol will receive:

  • Access to The Detox 101 Mentorship Programme (£447)
  • Weekly 1 hour live Q&A's with Azeem
  • Personalised Herbal Protocol (based on a comprehensive health questionnaire students are required to fill out or an Iridology report)
  • Access to a detox-driven community with real people who are on the same journey as you
  • 24/7 support from Azeem through the online community platform
  • Guidance through the healing crisis
  • Guidance for ordering herbal formulas (the protocol)

Detox 101 Mentorship Programme (£447)

The Detox 101 Mentorship Programme is an online course containing 20+ modules showing you how to practice the art of detoxification. You'll learn:

  • How to detox the human body safely and effectively using a herbal protocol
  • How to understand your health questionnaire
  • How to enter and leave a detox properly
  • How to choose which detox to do in order to achieve your health goals
  • How to implement fasting
  • How to navigate the 'healing crisis'
  • Why diet is the #1 factor in detoxification
  • Why herbs are essential for restoring cells
  • How to clean the lymphatic system

And so much more!

The Detox 101 Mentorship Programme is a supplementation to the real value which is the personalised group coaching with Azeem. The course will provide the foundation and the knowledge for the detox journey you will embark on and the live weekly Q&A's with Azeem will help guide you through that detox.

Found Conscious Academy (FCA) Intensive Private Group

The FCA Intensive Private Group will be hosted on Skool. It's an immersive community that allows students to write posts, post videos and pictures, share information and ask detox questions. It allows members to communicate and make friendships with each other providing a supportive group dynamic in which everyone gives and receives. I'll also be in the group and will be prioritising answering peoples questions and supporting members whenever i can.

Members will be able to:

  • Access the link to the live weekly Q&A's hosted by Azeem (via Zoom)
  • Write blogs, ask questions, share resources, post videos and pictures
  • Reply to other members posts
  • Rank up the leaderboards to "unlock" cool features
  • Message privately with myself and other members

Who is the FCA Intensive for?

  • Self-driven individuals ready to begin their healing journey
  • Those who currently have existing health challenges they want to overcome through the art of detoxification
  • Those wanting to learn the most valuable skill in the modern world - How to heal naturally through detoxification
  • Those who are comfortable sharing their health experiences in a group dynamic
  • Those wanting to be a part of a loving goal-driven online community to help elevate their health game
  • Those who may not be able to afford expensive 1-to-1 coaching, the FCA Intensive is similar to my 1-to-1 but in group format and much cheaper
  • Those wanting relief from the burdens of physical suffering and pain using natural methods and modalities
  • Those willing to take action and put in the work to restore their bodies back to good health

If you prefer to have private one-to-one coaching, this is also available here

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What's Included:

Detox 101 Programme
FCA Intensive Private Group
Herbal Protocol
Weekly Live Q&A's
Regular Updates
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£99.97 a month

FCA Intensive

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